Aş û Baş di vê beşa ewil a xeleka Fadoyê de me hildide nav rêwîtiyekê ber bi mosîqaya huznî ya Portugaliyan ve û serencama wê ya du sed salî dibêje.
The Fado (Destiny or fate) The "Blues" of Portugal and American Blues, https://fdocuments.net/document/the-fado-the-the-fado-destiny-or-fate-the-blues-of-portugal-and-american-blues.html?page=13
Kimberly DaCosta Holton, “Fado Hıstoriography: Old Myths And New Frontiers, Portuguese Cultural Studies”, 0 Winter 2006
Gizem Doğan, Fado Müzı̇ğı̇nı̇n Yapısal Özellı̇klerı̇ Ve Analı̇zı̇, 2019, Zanîngeha Egeyê, teza lîsansa bilind
Music: Portugal's Fado Revival | Compass, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1C7vPMAk2_0
Fados - Carlos Saura, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3W_vVMUroI
Arthur Rimbaud, Birqên Direxşan, wer. Ergîn Sertem, Avesta, 2019